How To Fight A Corrupt County Property Appraiser

If you're looking for information on how to fight corrupt county property appraisers, then you've come to the right place. In this article I'm going to tell you about a company that helped me fight one of my biggest battles ever. How'd I do? By understanding what the real estate market is all about and how it works.

how to fight corrupt county property appraiser


A few years ago I bought a new house. The previous owner had sold it undermarket value, so I decided to fix it up a bit. I hired a local appraiser who I was impressed with. That was all that took before I found out that the real estate market is like a bubble that burst - leaving me with overpriced property, but no money to market it at anything close to its true value.


My struggle with how to fight corrupt county property appraisers started with this problem. I soon discovered that my appraiser wasn't doing a very good job of interpreting the data he was presenting to me. The house looked great on paper, but in actuality, the home wasn't worth as much as it was being presented as.

How to Fight a corrupt County Property Appraiser


This was a big surprise to me, since I'd never before dealt with the real estate industry. How was this occurring? Simple - it wasn't. The company that I was dealing with re-sold the homes it appraised just like everyone else. They simply sent the data out to a bunch of real estate companies who then turned around and sold it themselves to me for a profit.


What I found out how to fight corrupt county property appraisers started by hiring an attorney to help me find legal counsel. He represented me in a meeting with three other attorneys from another area. We spent the next few days going through all of the legal paperwork necessary to challenge the valuation of the property. This whole process took about a month to complete.


One of the things I learned how to fight corrupt county property appraisers was to never ever give the real estate company information about what I was looking at when they were showing the house. It may have been something minor, but if the appraiser had seen something that shocked him he would quickly make notes of it and present it at the hearing. This is how to fight corrupt county property appraisers, by not allowing them to get away with it. There are many other things that they can check for, and you should be prepared to know about them. This is why it is important that you hire an attorney to help you figure out what is wrong, and to present your case in an aggressive way.


Now that we got that out of the way, how to fight corrupt county property appraisers should start with you. You should take the time to go through everything that is in your appraisal certificate with a fine tooth comb. Check to make sure that all of the items are there, and that they are what the law requires. If there are things that you do not think the appraiser should have taken into consideration, tell them so in writing, and then the case will be dismissed.


As I pointed out at the beginning, this is only one way on how to fight corrupt county property appraisers. I mentioned above that an attorney is needed for the final battle. They can help you win the war, and get the money that you rightfully deserve. Now that you have all the knowledge that you need, and that you are armed with the right mindset to fight these battles, you can feel free to start getting those judgments lifted from your financial records.

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